Still we wait.....

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Another 24 hours past and with each hour long minute the shrunken husk laying on the hospital bed becomes less and less the beautiful woman that has for 3 decades, tolerated me. She knows us no longer and acknowledges nothing. She is Nil By Mouth and grows thinner each day. 

I sit by her bed, but I know I'm no longer sat by my wife. Her battered and torn shell yes, but her soul, her personality is gone forever, or locked so deep inside her, it is now beyond us to touch.

Death haunts her, but won't claim her. But each day he provercates, our own torment grows worse and comes closer to destroying me. I want to greave, but I cant. 

This is hell on earth


Time to readjust the mask and face the world.... alone.

I want to die, bit death won't claim me either, instead I must suffer .....