Anger just a rant

  • 2 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Im in other chat rooms and post a bit.. but it says can rant and leave it  I'm so mad at me for smoking I want to scream and holler I want to go back in time and change things.. I feel stupid when I'm just wallowing in self pity.. I want someone other then just my kids..I hate myself for having no one but them as its difently not fair on them.. just angry I dont know who at I just am..  tired of feeling frozen in time while waiting on results and diagnosis and how to handle it.. just want to run away hopefully can leave these feelings here and have an ok day...thank you

  •   it does help to gets stuff out but do remember to put the same passion into fighting what ever fight you have to face ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Hi Frazzled

    Good to get it off your chest I bet, I think you worded all our feelings at a time of inconsolable thoughts and fears, by what you have written I assume you in the ‘waiting period’ when it seems an endless wait for results and next steps that then become the next worry, but bear with it and as an ex smoker that also can ring true but mine was also chemicals that I worked with so not all smoking related.

    Hope not too long to wait for the results and the serious business can start

    Take care


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