Feeling low

  • 4 replies
  • 16 subscribers

I’ve returned to this space to hopefully have a good grumble and move on. I’m not one normally to be full of self pity  
Today I am and it’s a silly insignificant thing that’s caused me to feel this way. 

Well the route of me feeling this way is Cancer!  

The only positive from me having bowel cancer was that I was helping research by donating blood to the TRACC research trial. I was the first to join on the morning of my LAR so they took blood and had a sample from the cancer removed and I was number one  the first to start after Covid !

Bowel screening picked up a suspect area in lungs!

March lobectomy and wedge right lung 

I had a phone call yesterday from the coordinator of the research trial asking how I was we chatted a little while

She asked if the bio came back  as cancer of the lung on my answer “yes”

I was told as I’d had another cancer I’m off the trial 

I’m so bloody fed up

I totally understand why I am now not right to be there but it’s Cancer that’s done this and it’s really making me think I’m never going to free of it. It’s always there like a Ghoul in the shadows. 

  • Sending some hugs your way for now. Hugging


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  • I get that Artsie, I had the same thoughts a few months ago. With me it was a dawning on me and I felt it like a loss, sort of bereavement. Cried and cried for about a week as it dawned on me that this it it! You have been through the mill with everything that’s happened to you. Now the thing you were doing to give back a little has been taken away from you. 
    Big hugs

    Love Jac x

  • Exactly it seemed my only thing I was good for to help future generations have a diagnosis with an blood test. 
    I said to my daughter it was my only positive! She quickly corrected me

    “ No you’re positive is it’s binned and you’re still here”

    I have to stand corrected but still feel a loss of something good to come from a negative.

    I suppose since August 21 Cancers been looming and I’ve been battling, I don’t know how I feel. 
    Rectal Cancer then a year later Lung it’s like it’s going to keep coming at me and I’m just tired. I should be jumping for joy they’ve said it’s clear margins

    Oh lucky me.  
    But they said that after the bowel and I was overjoyed

    Bang another two primary’s on the lung twelve months later 

    I’m a grump this morning. 
    Thanks for this space. 
    sending you a big hug back. 


  • Oh Ann, moan away, there aren’t many places to do it without seeming ungrateful. I get you. I put on a happy face for everyone but some days I’m so sad. They all think I’m amazing for being so positive but if I wasn’t it would bring everyone around me down and I don’t want that so I smile and laugh and fill up my days but deep down I’m so sad. 
    This is the place to moan, groan and grump. 

    love Jac x