I can’t KEEP doing this

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  • 15 subscribers

How many more friends am I going to lose to this horrid F**KING Disease! How many more times will I say “try not to worry” when deep down I know, things don’t look good? How many more virtual (((HUGS))) will I send, because there’s nothing else I can do? How many more tears will I shed as I watch yet another friend slip away? 

But what makes all this worse? The constant ringing in my ears from ‘do gooders’ who say Breast Cancer is curable! No one dies of that these days! It’s the ‘best’ Cancer to have! 

Well I can tell you YOUNG women, with their whole lives still ahead of them DIE from Breast Cancer! The worst thing is, it might not be the first time round that it beats them! It lies in wait and just as they think they have a ‘normal’ life back….it gets them! That’s how cruel and evil this disease is! 

So stop telling me it’s NOT a killer! Because I have watched too many ladies die from this and the saddest thing is, their lives might have been saved IF they had follow up scans following treatmentCryBut that is not available on the NHS! WHY?? Just WHY???? CryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCryCry