So disappointed

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Just to get this off my chest….. diagnosed with rectal cancer early September 2022 whilst also selling up & moving house.  My BFF of over 50 years,  the one person who I thought would be there for me has been so unsupportive.  It turns out she is a ‘oh poor me, my friend has cancer’ person. She has visited me twice since I moved on 23 September.  She calls me most nights but it’s a quick how are you & when I try to tell her, I can sense she isn’t interested. She changes the subject and only wants to talk about herself or try and make comparisons about her health problems. I feel so let down.  I supported her when she had her post-natal depression & further depressive episodes over the years. I saw her at least once every 10/14/days & over the years it has been me that has driven to hers & made sure we caught up. She does drive but has never driven to mine-she doesn’t do roundabouts…. She has free train transport as her husband worked for National Rail. I have offered to meet halfway so she doesn’t have to do roundabouts and have also offered to pick her up from a local railway station. But never any acknowledgment from her. No response always side stepped.I have been referred for counselling & told her this tonight. She went on to tell me all about her counselling sessions. Didn’t even ask my why I had been referred. Just said you sound ok & your treatment is all done now. I’m still under the oncologist & having follow up tests/ review scans.  Some days I don’t answer the phone to her as I just don’t want to speak to her.  She doesn’t message me to see if I’m ok if I don’t pick up.  I do tell her about all the people who visit to drop hints & the calls & messages I get but never any response or offer to visit/meet. Sometimes I just want to have a go at her about her behaviour but then I also don’t want to break the friendship.  So very disappointed & upset with her attitude. Sorry for the rant….. . I do have a very supportive husband & a fab supportive family which I am so very grateful for.