It’s all a bit rubbish

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  • 15 subscribers

My husband has recently had major surgery (16 hours then 8 hours the next day) to remove his second colorectal tumour. This one was in the pelvic side wall so it was removed along with bladder, prostate, right pudendal nerve, s3 sacrum and a chunk of his sciatic nerve. Apparently the op was successful, in that it removed the tumour with good margins and he survived it. He was in hospital (4 hours away from home) for 5 weeks. 
He came home 10 days ago and we are both getting used to a very different normal. He has lost feeling in his right leg from the knee down and can only walk a few metres with crutches and supervision. He has a colostomy and a urostomy. We have found that I have been thrown into the role of full time carer. I had have to help him wash, put in his clothes, take his bag contents to the toilet, and do normal things like cook and bring him food and drink. I am a teacher and have had to take off loads of time already. I know that he won’t be at the point of being able to cope in 2.5 weeks time (after Easter hols) and I am so worried about what will happen. 
I’m also struggling with him being in so much pain. He cries a lot and wishes he had died, I’m finding it hard to support him and stay positive. 
Anyone experiencing something similar? 

  • Hi  and I see it’s your first post so welcome to the Online Community but so sorry to hear about your husbands diagnosis and the journey you are both on.

    The Room as it’s called is a place where community members can come and vent and get stuff off your chest…… and at times with no real expectation of getting any reply’s that not to say you won’t get replies.

    But ti widen your support base could I suggest that you may benefit from joining and posting in our supportive Carers only support group where you will connect with others navigating the exact same support challenges ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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