Tired, in pain and feeling very sorry for myself

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I’m needing to wallow in self pity so I’m putting it here to save my family 

So in the last three years we’ve had health issues repeatedly

Bowel Cancer operation yippee all out. Reversal yippee.
Blockage now that’s painful served me right for eating sweetcorn 

Then the call back no one wants 

Lung Cancer VATS performed which my heart didn’t like and put me in intensive care. That was 7th March

Im now in pain most of the time even walking leaves me breathless 

I am fed up really tired and grumpy.

I have now relented and taken some Codeine Phosphate I had when I was discharged as the pains had me up most of the night and actually make me yelp  

Such a ridiculous little scar it’s a real wolf in sheep’s clothing  the things got teeth biting me when I move 

I really really wanted to manage my pain with paracetamol and ibuprofen’s  

I feel I have failed 

So now my bowel will play me up.

There’s no end to this bloody Cancer. 

  • Sorry for my delayed reply as I've been visiting family.  Oh my dear Ann another thing sent to test you out.  You really don't need this.  Thirty years ago!  Random or what!  So you damaged your right boob 30 years ago and now it wants to react!  

    You need some treats I think lovely lady to feel valued again.  But I definitely think three things is enough now so speak to your body sternly! 

    When we are knocked back by something we turn round and get up again but you've had a lot to contend with in a short time plus Joe's diagnosis too.  No time to stop, catch your breathe and get strong again.  

    I really hope you can get some peace and quiet soon hon and a chance for your body to heal as well as your mind. Keep eating well, rest whenever you can and offload on here too. 

    Sending you some strength to help you get through all this my friend 
