How an insensitive comment can hurt.

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Hi I went to the doctors about 3 weeks ago and was told by him I had skin cancer, I saw a dermatologist 2 weeks ago and he told me he same, I am waiting for the mole to removed on the 28th Feb so I have been told I have it without them even doing a biopsy,  This means the last 4 weeks have been an emotional roller coaster ride,  one part of my brain saying they can't know for certain,  the other saying why would they say it if they weren't certain. . I know I have to have the mole removed and unless I'm very lucky a WLE. The mole is on my stomach, which means I will be left with scar I will see everyday. For one reason and another I was feeling very down about it the other day and was in  floods of tears.,My husband (who is 62 and has just done a routine bowel cancer check) was sympathetic for about 5 minutes, then turned round to me and said I don't know why you are getting so upset, it's like me getting really upset and worrying about the results from the bowel cancer check! For a couple of minutes I did wonder if being accused of murder would take my mind of my current problems, but decided it wouldn't. 

  • Hello.  You're still entitled to ask for further investigations and it's not a GP's place to diagnose cancer.  They should always refer a patient to a specialist if they have suspicions.  Did your GP refer you to the dermatologist? I'm assuming you were seen by a hospital consultant.

  • Hi, yes I have been referred to see a dermatologist and having the mole removed on the 28th. I was just having a rant because both the doctor and dermatologist told me I had melanoma without any proof, they my husband told me I was being silly getting so upset when I didn't know for sure and it was nothing more worrying than him waitingto get his results. . He just didn't seem to realise the not knowing is the hardest part.