Overwhelming support reactions

  • 1 reply
  • 15 subscribers

Hi everyone,  I have been diagnosed with breastcancer on the 18th of January.  It was a total shock as it was picked up by a routine scan.  I will need surgery, chemo and radiation. I am self-employed and had to to tell my customers that I might need to cancel appointments at short notice because I don't know how I will feel during treatment. Doctors tell me that they caught it early and it's fully treatable. So that's good.  Now I have received many messages from friends,  family and customers for support,  wishing me a speedy recovery and get well soon, and help with the dogs ( I run a daycare and boarding business). People brought flowers, cards, baskets of fruit and gifts...while I feel there's plenty of hope for me to get better....so I'm actually worried about their over the top reaction, as I just think,  wait 4 months and I'll be back to normal? Any advice,  suggestions?

  • Hi  

    Often the reaction of others can make people not want to reveal their cancer except perhaps to a single loved one. However experience shows the benefits from talking really outweigh anything else.

    We all love to hear a good story here too - and there are lots more good stories now than anything else. If it helped to make your friends, customers feel good too - perhaps that was a win - at least it shows how much they value you and many small businesses would pay a fortune for that sort of feedback.



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