How to handle insensitive questions and comments

  • 11 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

This is my first time on the forum, and I only recently received a diagnosis of breast cancer (one breast, two lumps). Most of my family and friends have been lovely and hugely supportive. But I've had one difficult conversation from a member of my family (a sister who's often makes crass and insensitive comments about people - I keep her at arm's length for that reason). Having heard through  another sister that I had cancer, she phoned, and her opener was "How did you get cancer?" in an accusatory, judgmental, sort of tone. Basically implying it was my fault. I was tempted to say oh I ordered it online from Amazon. But then she went on to say another unhelpful thing.... "You're the only one who's got it in the family". and went on to pointlessly speculate on the reasons why I had it. It's a hobby of hers, speculating. Unfortunately she's not alone in making an unhelpful and insensitive comments. Someone, whom I'm in email communication said today "there's a link between alcohol and cancer, I'll let you think on that". I was stunned, why on earth would someone say that? Why would even they think that ok? I have no idea why I have breast cancer, bad luck, age, genes, who knows, but booze is unlikely to be the culprit. And why even give that question headroom? Does anyone have ideas on how I can handle the stupid things that other people say?

  • Thank you. The surgery went well and the reconstruction settling down, though it took about a month to get used to the expander.

    Next step... meet my oncologist this Thursday and find out if I’m going down the Chemo route. I hope not, but if it’s best option for the future, I guess I’ll have to.

    All the best