Angry! Don’t read as it’s a rant,

  • 6 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Well to say I’m angry is beyond belief. 

l am old and I’ve had a wonderful time.

I’ve just been diagnosed with many lung nodules so this is it for me …… probably.

This is not  going to be a come back. which is okay really, I’m so lucky in many ways

Im so cross at the moment I could scream 

I need to get my house in order!

Where to begin!

Tomorrow I will start 

Today I will wallow in self pity

 ha ha silly really, it’s been great and it’s got to  stop or it would be boring! 

  • Just read this and it’s ok to rant! I am really sorry to hear that the cancer has spread to your lungs. There was a post on the Bowel Cancer group on Lung mets and possible treatment.  So there may be treatments! Fingers crossed x


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Jacquiw10

    Thank you. I’ve read lots too. There’s amazing treatments out there and I will go for whatever is offered

    It’s just a rant at the end of the day.

    A hard day for my hubby and children. 
    I will be okay. 
    I do need to sort things though for my family. It is a safe guarding them against issues they may have trying to think about what I would like. 
    So that’s what I need to do.

    Even if it’s years away.


  • Hi Ann

    Rant away! I got stuff in order, then put it away, physically and in my head. You can do that and focus then on getting on with your treatment. In the new year I’m getting a power of attorney drawn up as the last legal step-my will is already done. I see it as being pragmatic and knowing that it makes everything clear for family etc. Doesn’t mean to say I think I’m not going to be here any time soon, but I’m the type of person who likes to be organised and in control as much as possible! 

    You had a big shock yesterday and it will take time to get your head round everything, so don’t beat yourself up..nothing needs doing immediately. 

    Sarah xx

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  • Lovely Artsie, 

    I'm sad to hear about your lung bits appearing.  Please do as advised if you want and check out further treatments and trials that may attack the little lung bits.   Your attitude sounds like mine, kind of all over the place for a bit till you can get your head around it.  Just being diagnosed in 2021 made me start to do the stuff we keep putting off. So as you know I've got some songs to sing and listen to and to dance to plus my 22year old daughter, Rachel, knows what I want done with my body.  She promises me she'll do a eulogy out of just song lyrics from the late seventies and eighties, hurrah. No better send off!  

    But I feel sad and sorry for myself when I think about not being here any more, always makes me cry- yes I am crying right now.   One day at a time my friend and maybe we can sit outside one of those great pubs in Shaldon and have a nice drink whilst we gaze at Teignmouth, I already have the urge to return there now so that's one item for my bucket list already. 

     Please take care, laugh lots at life and people (it helps us to keep a real perspective you know!) 

    You know where I am, always up for a little laughing or a shoulder leaning session xxx

  • Or Ann we could just trundle town to St.Ives instead, out of season it would be be quieter!  Maybe it's a place you want to return to with hubby xxx

  • Yes I plan on going there soon.
    I hope so anyway.

    I’m sending you a hug 

    I really hope my rant hasn’t opened wounds for you. I wouldn’t want to cause you pain. 
    It was a day of anger and self pity. Releasing helps and saves me voicing it to my family

     I am okay I’ve gone for a little walk today, had fish and chips and my bowel is behaving. Which means I may be able to travel more. Since having the reversal to begin with it was going very well however a blockage in November put me right back. But I’m getting there Christmas was bad but I overindulged so I caused the issue 

    Whatever the treatment I’ll take it. But if there’s no treatment I’m booking some breaks. I have a little saving not much but. I tell you it’s going to be spent. 
    The children will be fine there’s plenty of assets anyway they are telling us both sell the family home downsize and have fun 

    I’m proud of them. They’re great kids 

    Are you okay? 
    You live on the Southwest coast i believe, I read in your bio. The weathers been lovely today, your allotment will be calling you 

    Take care 

