Just expressing my annoyance at my lot!

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This is just me clearing some negativity. 

I am not sure if keeping my hubby awake when Parkinson’s is taking him away from life is the right thing.
And then I remember his diagnosis and we made that pact . Signal if he’s shaking, correct if he makes mistakes like MND  he says MED. 
It seems against the grain. 
Parkinson’s is Evil! 
I found PD warriors and bought it for him.

He went and the improvement is amazing. 

I watched him today as he put the bins out and he swung his arms ,held himself straight , no one would know. Neighbours have said to me.

BUT I KNOW that he has to think about every step it is a CHALLENGE!

Hes a wonderful man, caring ,funny and loving. 
He’s always been there for his brother and sister but they’ve cut him adrift. I suppose they think he’s not of use 


I needed to vent. We will plod on.