Angry and scared

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I have spent 9 hours on the gynae assessment unit  went in after being on anti biotics for a week for an infection behind one of my surgical incision sites the lump feels massive firstly I was told the lump was small about 2cm I had two choices go home with more anti biotics or return tomorrow for an ultrasound I chose the second,  sonographer said there are two pockets of fluid one is 5.7cm the other just under 2cm

Junior doc said ultrasound couldn't ascertain if the fluid was pus, seroma or blood and would talk to  gynae oncologyto see if it should be drained or if I should have iv antibiotics  fast forward a few hours and he tells me now that it is blood probably getting bigger due to the blood thinner I'm injecting twice a day but to continue for a further two weeks and that I should be reassured it's not an Abcess.

 I'm not reassured at all, blood thinners causing me to bleed into a 5.7 cm pocket of blood  it feels massive to me and it hurts a lot when I lie down it's like a tight belt wrapping round me,  when I eat or drink a few minutes after my stomach gurgles like mad as if my intestines are being squashed. How without further intervention has the ultrasound now concluded it is blood,  not an infection?? and the words blood clot has scared me half to death I know you can die of blood clots  I'm lying here the pressure feels huge,  I'm fed up with it all and certainly not reassured....rant over.... for now Aaaaaaaarrrghhhhh