
  • 3 replies
  • 15 subscribers

I find it hard to handle my anger at a health service that abandoned me because all they cared about was Covid. I am sick of pretending that NHS staff are all caring angels. They aren’t. So many are uncaring and offhand and crassly inefficient.

I shout at the television each time they show those adverts depicting smiling happy clappy nurses tending their patients with care. Maybe some are lucky with their experience but too many of us are cowed into continuing the pretence that UK cancer care is good when the reality is that it’s the worst in Europe.

  • Teddy271, welcome to this forum.

    I hear your anger.  You've obviously had a bad time with the NHS.  I'm certainly not going to defend or attack them.  There's good and bad staff in the industry for sure.  I'm sad you've been treated badly.

    I've also met plenty of uncaring, rude people in positions that they should never have been put in in all aspects of the caring profession and having been a nurse myself it saddens me so much to see patients/loved ones/families receiving less care and attention than they deserve.  This will always happen but complaints systems are there for a reason and humans can be given a chance to improve their behaviour.  I made a decision to not complain immediately in the heat of my emotions but have waited until my treatment was over and I'd calmed down.  So that's my job for the next week or so- to complain constructively and as unemotionally as possible so they take me very seriously.

    Have you been able to make any complaints via the PALS system?  

     Remember you can also ring Macmillan in confidence to talk with someone who will listen.   If you could, please do continue to fill out your story so others can see your/or a loved one's diagnosis and the journey so far.  Our journeys can often assist others in being able to support us.

    Take care x

  • Hi again,

    I forgot to say that there are other forums in which you may receive more support and replies.

    If you're a carer/friend of someone with cancer then there's a forum for that on here.  

    If you're a patient yourself then you can post in  the emotional support section and also in the cancer specific forum.  There's even a "Rant" room where you can just let off steam!


  • Brain freeze there, you obviously know where the rant room is!