A Lesson

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I’ve just read a post on Facebook from a friend-sharing a memory of her friend who died very young from my type of cancer. I knew of this person, read many of her posts in a cancer group and am ashamed today to say that I never really took to her. I found her brusque and abrupt and we seldom had any interaction in that group. But I never took the time to truly think about what her life was like, and how she was just trying to cope with 4 children and the pain of advanced cancer.

I am ashamed of myself today for not appreciating how much she was going through-how she went from stage 1b cancer to incurable and dying and leaving her babies in such a short period of time.  I am continually trying to be a better person, not to be critical and judgemental, but this showed me that I failed and need to try harder. That made me cry today. And made me think. Gosh, it was hard to read.

Sarah xx

  • Sarah we do not go through life liking everyone we meet. There are many times we will brush shoulders with people that we just don’t gel with. And that is ok. This post just shows what a lovely person you are. x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

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