Cannot have chemo or op!

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  • 15 subscribers

My husband has cancer of oesophagus.A problem with kidney function so cannot have chemo.Tuesday said he cannot have op  due to kidney problems and being type 2 diabetic.He is 74 so age as well.Long op and risk of heart attack or stroke.I just lost it and sobbed for hours,A bit of hope as can have radiotherapy for 4 weeks.Hopefully reduce size of tumour and occasionally kill off horrible thing.How much more after all covid stuff and just thought life getting back to normal.I just feel sick all the time with anxiety.Sometimes life is horrible.Thanks for letting me have rant.Hamster.

  • It is so hard to accept. I feel and look well and then I remember.......we all cope differently, using all the strategies we know that comforts us. So sorry your suffering right now. You're not alone......I always think about the people I have read about here. We can only do our best. Keep a  healthy positive mind and keep our bodies in good shape and fight like he'll. Xxxx