Some consultants need to go to charm school. Or stay in a laboratory!

  • 6 replies
  • 16 subscribers

This has nothing to do with cancer but I am so angry I need a space to let it out!

Back Story

Our daughter lost her second baby February after seven years of trying

I was in the bowel screening June. LAR performed August

Non drinking husband diagnosed with Parkinson’s September. Who also has been on heart meds for twenty years so has kidney problems.

So appointment with the top man for liver  that apparently showed a problem who GP referral eventually saw us

He greeted us in scrubs led us into a room said “sit where you like” and then talked about percentages of fatty liver , then scar tissue then cirrhosis then cancer!

He then informed my husband “ You have cirrhosis “

He delivered a death sentence whilst sprawling on the chair. He was rude, unsympathetic and arrogant

My husband does not drink, he takes fifteen tablets a day and all of them say may affect kidney and liver function. After he sneered his options on my husband I contested the fact that he’s taking a cocktail of medication. He laid back in the chair flicking the prescription list with his finger.

That’s doesn’t affect the liver seven times repeat! Adding he’s only on seven medications a day 


We came out of there with a death sentence

I can not believe there’s consultants like that still. I thought they were 1950s trained  

I know he may have been operating and saving lives and he was just ticking a box  But really.

So now he’s on a six month check for cancer. With an arrogant unsympathetic robot in charge.  

 We’ve met many consultants that have been warm, supportive and informative but this man needs to leave face to face care to his colleagues that have some empathy.

I feel better now however if he’s the same at our next meeting I will tell him exactly what I think of his communication skills  

  • Go girlfriend

    I'm so sorry to hear this news about your husband, what a shock and news given with such disdain, rudeness and ignorance.  You both must be reeling.

    Take a breath and write a serious complaint to his boss. Completely out of order hon.   

    sending you a huge hug and some boxing gloves for that doctor!   Xxxx

  • That's shocking.  You should feed it back to him, or to the Head of Dept or via official channels.  Putting it in writing in a polite articulate way will make a strong point.  Like you say, this is 2022 and behaviours are important.  Good ones build trusting relationships.  

    It helps to write it down and let it all out, and that's what we're here for Purple heart

  • Thanks for the support.

    I haven’t got the energy at the moment however we will be under him for life we will see what his attitude is like at the next appointment. 
    My husband doesn’t want me to complain 


    Thanks again allotment lover xx


  • Hi Mmum

    Thanks for your reply. I totally agree with you. I have written it down and am putting it on the back burner for now.  I am concentrating on our diet!  He said that my husband was overweight so we are attempting to loose some. However my husband is very muscular with fluid on his tum which the consultant should know that it’s a sign of liver disease!

    sorry for the sarcasm I’m just tired and lack sugar that I need for my Ileostomy! 
    A diet for him with Parkinson’s and Cirrhosis and my Ileostomy is really tricky to eat together. 


  • Dear Artsie, so many things going on right now for you hon, so tiring to manage them all. Hearts️ 

    Just to share- I've got five major complaints to write.  Starting with the first doc I saw in dermatology up to the horrible, unprofessional cancer specialist nurse at Poole hospital but I've put off writing them to focus on getting through my treatment. Knowing me my complaints will be couched in ways they can improve rather than just a scathing attack as I may meet them all again one day!   Aarrrrrgggghhhh 

    Maybe at the next appointment you can just speak up first and say how much you would appreciate a positive, kind and caring relationship going forward so there's no criticism put out there but you get to say how you want the relationship to be.  

    We cannot give our all to all things at once so yes just prioritise for now.  Research a joint diet that can help both of you.  I seem to live on pasta or rice with green leaves from my allotment, a tomato or a pesto sauce and cheese.  As for sugar for your stoma is chocolate a good source? Or ice-cream?

    There's a gorgeous Venezuelan chocolate one the co-op make themselves but I'm writing to complain the topping is lush but it's only on the top! A con really but divine.   You just take care and replenish yourself lovely, that's the most important thing to do right now.


  • You made me really laugh.

    I would definitely write to complain about the lack of topping JoyJoyJoy

    Thank you so much. Gosh this site is amazing we have support with our Cancer treatment and our grumbles. 
    I will definitely explain to the consultant like you said. That’s wonderful advice. 

    Yes sugar salt and a beige diet is adviced for an Ileostomy. Especially galaxy washed down with Chardonnay!
    Im now nine months on so I’ve found a good variety of soft leaf salads etc. 

    Ive found a brilliant diet which is good for NAFLD or non alcoholic liver disease stage four cirrhosis . That’s the correct terminology thanks to doctor Google. 
    intermediate fasting   We are on beginner option and it’s really working. Plus my hubbys taking milk thistle. 
    Thanks again Allotment Lover 

    Oh I love tomato on the vine. Can’t eat the skins though I have actually pealed one this year! No it wasn’t worth the effort. It’s roasted or tinned for me. Skins remove easily. 
    Have a good day x
