A Little Vent

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Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish there were someone for me. The problem with always being perceived to be strong is that there isn’t anyone there to understand you might not always be. 

I was trying to help someone, not on here, who doesn’t even have cancer, but who is very anxious. It seems that anxious people only want to connect with other anxious people to fuel their own anxiety. I don’t understand this at all, They don’t really want to listen to someone who knows what you should be worried about, or to take advice from someone who knows what they’re talking about. 

And then I get a message when I’m going to bed yesterday from someone saying, what should I do? Arrgghh…am not a doctor, this is not my job. I can advise, say what I think, but I am NOT a doctor. And this was from someone who hasn’t messaged me for a long time, so clearly only does so when I might be useful. Though I feel bad even thinking that, never mind saying it.

No -one seems to actually think there might be something going on in my life. You know, a partner on the 2 week pathway having a general anaesthetic tomorrow. 

I am just having a vent here now because it’s safe. I’m not falling apart, I’m not distressed, but sometimes I am just damn sorry for myself. Just sometimes, and only for a VERY short time. Sometimes I just want to scream, but tomorrow I’ll be fine. And it will be ok.