My husband has just left me!

  • 3 replies
  • 16 subscribers

I don't know if I'm even in the right place to post this.

My husbnad has just left me, 4 days before Christmas. I have had  secondary breast cancer for 14 years and all those years have been very lucky with my treatment being stable and of course I hid a lot from him and my sons so they could cope better with it. Anyway at the start of this year I had a Sternectomy to remove a massive tumour there and I had complications and I was very poorly and took me a good 6 months to recover. My husband was terrified and suddenlty had to face up to the fact that this illness is very real. Instead of talking to anyone he bottled things up. He felt it was all about me and noone cared how he felt, which is utter rubbish. He has people including myself who care so much and I could see it was stressing him out. Anyway he then turned to a woman at work who clearly knew what to say and do and they started having an affair. For 5 months he saw her and would disappear for ages. Always claiming he loved me and until that point we really did have the most fantastic marriage and did so many things together and enjoyed life.

So now I am dealing with not only my cancer but not having the love of my life by my side. My two sons who still live at home have been amazing but I am beyond devastated and scared of my life as a single person and dying alone

  • Hi Ellls welcome to the forum and that is a very sad post to read. This room is mostly for you to say something maybe not needing any answers as such, but just sounding off and then leaving it behind. However it does sound like you may benefit from talking with others and if that is the case the case please  do have a look around the forum and post into any of the other threads.

    Dont be scared, there are plenty of us on here in all the threads for you to talk with and to make sure that you never feel alone. 


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you for that. I did check about but couldn't find where i thought i could post to get some helpful advice

  • Goodness me Ells

    You are in the right place to vent about your husband and I think you’re pretty amazing to not have lots of expletives! Not sure if they’re allowed but hoped to make you feel welcome  

    You may find that dealing with your cancer diagnosis and treatment would be helped by joining the relevant groups  You may be already have joined but I thought it worth mentioning  Im in several groups click my name and you’ll see  

    I come here to vent when other things pile on top of dealing with my ileostomy  

    Your Sons sound amazing  
