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I wish I could say this to my brother and sister in law in person!!!! 

In June my husband was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer and we told our two daughters (42 and 39) who were naturally devastated as they are both “daddy’s girls”. Next we told my brother and his wife, we are a very small family as both mine and my husband’s parents have passed away and he has no contact with his siblings. So my brother and his wife are the only “uncle and auntie” our girls have ever known and yet neither of them have spoken to or even sent the girls a message of support, comfort or anything!!!! Both of our daughters are upset about this (I know it’s a small thing compared to the thought of losing their dad but still it hurts them) and I cannot seem to come straight out and ask my brother WHY? So in a round about way I’ve hinted…… and the response from both him and my sister in law is “We don’t know what to say to them “!!!!!!!!

WHAT???? How hard is it to just send a bloody text saying “We don’t know what to say but just wanted you to know we are so sorry to hear about your dad and if you need anything or just want to talk we are here”!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!! 
 It has affected the way I feel about my brother and his wife, until now we have been quite a close family but now I couldn’t care if I never see them again and I hate myself for allowing this to add to the horrible situation of my husband’s diagnosis.