Frustrated with GP

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New GP mentioned out of nowhere last week that I should have been investigated 9 months ago for cancer due to other health complications which could be linked. I confirmed the specialist had not completed the tests she queried. She said she would follow up with the specialist who had been dealing with my care at that time to confirm I hadn't had the tests.

In the mean time, I sent my medical history and all current symptoms in relation to other health issues I was actually there for (unrelated) over email. It turns out some of these were crossover symptoms. When I got home I looked up the tests she referred to and the relevant symptoms and I have many of these and have mentioned them to various Drs at different times. I wasn't aware they were cancer symptoms. I sent an email with these to her.

We had a follow up call this week and she said she hadn't heard back from the specialist and that we would wait to see what she says after Christmas. I was shocked. I explained that when I had spoken to Macmillan they had said what happened 9 months ago is not as relevant in comparison to the symptoms I am presenting with now. When I mentioned Macmillan, she practically shouted down the phone, "Macmillan?!" She said she felt I was going behind her back when she is already going down a route by checking in with the specialist.

I explained I was concerned that we wouldn't be acting on the symptoms and she (with an undertone of sarcasm) asked if they had come on in the last week. I explained that, as I had written in what I'd sent to her, they had been across the last 2 years and had been told to various Drs. We went through these and she was able to look these up in my medical records as we spoke. She then asked if I had ever been tested for bowel cancer By the end of the call she had arranged for me to have tests for both types of cancer, but if I hadn't pushed back, I would still be sat here waiting -despite this starting because she told me I should have been tested 9 months ago!

In the mean time, she is criticizing me for "undermining" her by keeping myself informed and double checking the information I am given. Does she really expect to tell someone they are 9 months late for a cancer investigation and that they will just sit on their hands and not look into anything? She keeps hinting for me to leave the surgery because "not every surgery suits everyone" and they cater mostly to young, able bodied patients (whereas I am disabled with complex health issues). I've only spoken to her twice and she said about me going elsewhere at least twice in the first meeting and again in this second call. I do plan to leave, but want to make sure I find a GP who will actually be good with complex patients before doing so, plus I am waiting for a referral to be processed first.

Frustrated is an understatement!

  • Hi  sorry you're not getting on with your GP.  It can be extremely frustrating sometimes but I think you are doing the right thing.  Wait for your referral to be processed and take your time in finding a GP you feel comfortable with and who you think you will connect with.  Dealing with cancer is hard enough without having to deal with a medical team you don't get along with.

    Hope your referral comes through soon and that you find a GP you're happy with.

    Hope you have a lovely Christmas.