Scared waiting for tests and results

  • 11 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi sorry if this isn’t the right place to Chat but just need some support , I am waiting for results from tests had a month ago blood was found in my stools , I had been feeling a bit unwell nothing serious and had realised I had lost some weight so contacted doctors it’s been a month since talking to nurse.  yesterday for the first time I saw blood myself when I went to the loo ,I haven’t told the nurse or doctors yet (haven’t seen any doctors just a nurse a month ago ) they are calling me tomorrow afternoon, I am so scared my dad died aged 53 ,  am 55 I don’t know where to turn to , I have the most lovely partner but am so worried about him because of the worry I am causing, please can someone give me some advice 


  • Your going through a hard time at the moment   Put. So your questions down and ask when you have them on the phone .

    Go on to the Bowel Cancer and all other sites on This site is very good at helping you through this ..Kissing heartAlaine

  • hi thank you for your support and advice have phoned the support team and they were great Hugging

  • Hello , well spoken to consultant at hospital going to be sent for ct and camera tests within the next two weeks, so more waiting to find answers , at least something happening but the waiting is so worrying, does anyone have any advice to ease the worry, I keep busy during the day with work and try to be busy in an evening but it’s nighttime when I should be sleeping the really gets me 

  • Hi Ringo 2008

    Sorry you are going through this. It’s such a stressful time but you can now a least know you are going to get the answers you need and treatment if needed. 
    I know how you feel as I buried my head and just ignored it until I was so uncomfortable and then really frightened that I’d left it too long. Bowel screening found me then I felt a sense of relief that at last I was going to have some answers and treatment 
    I was the same as you and was very anxious  

    I would recommend not looking anything up on Google. Keeping busy is a great way to pass the time if you can concentrate on something creative that’s a good time filler. Anything that passes the time and makes you feel more relaxed. I was lucky as the weather was good for gardening. Not suitable for you though 

    Try and stay positive. It does help. 
    Good Luck

    keep us updated 


  • Ringo2008 I'm glad that you got on to the Consultant yourself .It's normally 5days and they will know .Did they give you the number call direct .

    You will be told right after the camera the results.  .Kissing heart Alaine

  • Hi thank you for your reply, I am going for ct  scan this week so things are starting to move forward so will start to get some answers wether good or bad at least either way I can  start to move forward and yes keeping busy is the answer it’s that nasty word CANCER that is so scary but reading people’s stories is so posited and people are so ready to give advice even in the worst moments 

  • Hi thanks for your reply and no they haven’t yet given me a direct number, I go this week for the ct scan and then it must me the camera thank you for advising me that i should get results soon after it will be a relief to know answers either way 

  • Hi Ringo2008,

    I noticed there's been no posts for two months but I hope you've maybe gone into the 'bowel cancer' section and are getting lots of support there.

    If you haven't then visit it as it's not just for people with bowel cancer but also for people like yourself who are going through the myriad of test before being diagnosed.

    I hope all is ok with you, take care.

  • Hi thanks for your reply and advice , I have now had some tests ct scan and the camera but haven't had any proper results yet only that the hospital and have been told they are extremely busy and I just have to wait for results , so this so far is were I am at , it is just so frustrating and worrying your life is just on hold. I am keeping busy and trying not to think about the tests to much , easier to say as when not busy and in the dark of the night it really gets to you , but hey ho you have to remain positive , thanks everyone for being here for advice and support ,will  let you know what is happening , take care and look after yourselves x 

  •  Its a  Poop of a thing Cancer You look where the pain is see nothing But there is a time when you know something is wrong .I had no energy and looked about 18 months pregnant.(I'm 65) In bed and I was a brass band with the noise. Be prepared to lose weight its part of our illness Get you kitchen in order make sure that everything is within reach  bring things down  

    I'm sure  you're husband will step up to the mark Mine did and I'm so proud of him .He said that's what he signed up for when we got married .He knew it I was getting better when he had the first row .Walked about with a smile on his face.

    All the best on your journey.Kissing heartAlaine