Enough is enough

  • 6 replies
  • 16 subscribers

As I’ve said before we hoped for a good year this time last year 

A New baby in the horizon and a cuddle from our Irish grandchildren at Christmas


No visits to Ireland because of covid

A miscarriage in February,

Me Cancer June,

My husband Parkinson’s. September.



For Gods sake give us a break.
Bloody Covid

My youngest daughter is a therapist she’s spent her entire life helping others. She’s vulnerable and was booked for the booster 

Now she’s got Covid and she’s really sick 

I am going to explode  

I’m sick of this

Just give us a bloody break

I hoped this would help

Sadly it hasn’t, the only thing that will help is for my darling daughter to be okay

  • Artsie it's so wrong when you and your family are going through so much.I have stopped looking at the TV Tv So much Poop on evil people who are getting away with things .When you have got so much going on  at the same time .Hopefully you will get through this together Chin up .xx.Kissing heart Alaine

  • Aw thanks Aldan.

    I’ve stopped watching news I just get angry at the greed and selfishness of it all. 

    I’ve always been a half full kinda girl but my glass is empty. Nothing positive here.

    You've definitely made me feel better.
    You take care. 


  • Artsie Icame on the room tonight to have a go at damn Covid. 

    and I read your post. So sorry about all your stuff youre going through. Sadly my life has been full of stuff too. And my husband. 

    Whilst we battle cancer again, with a dose of heart disease we have a layer of crap on top. 


    I get so angry at the twats that just think things are back to normal Shrug tone1

    Sending you a hug and thanks for posting. Bloody COVID GRRRRR

  • Scaggette

    i thought my rant wouldn’t help. I was right. But you have. Thank you so much.

    Life can be challenging and mine has been and I’ve battled well but this Covid has isolated us all. Divided us. We can’t be there for one another.
    Covids just cancelled me seeing my grandchildren they’re now 5&6  I saw them 3&4. I hate it. My Brothers just cancelled Christmas with us he lives in Spain.

    im sorry your husbands unwell. It’s so worrying when Covids stopping our loved ones having treatment that’s needed. My husband also has Heart problems. No check ups in two years. Liver disease ignored. Kidney condition untreated.
    I really hope that you and your family are okay.
    I think we need to learn to shout for attention if we think things are wrong.  
    My doctor has not treated us our surgery is shut. 
    I hope you have better medical support. 
    My Cancer was picked up by the bowel screening. They have been fantastic. Life savers. 
    I really hope that everything improves for you. Thank you so much for your support
    Bloody Covid


  • Oh Artsie you are right. Civid wrecks everything. It takes away coping with life. 

    Lets goto the coffee shop to chill. Actually its not safe. 

    Lets go Xmas shopping! Ummmm too crowded. 

    out for a meal - gooduck finding somewhere quiet!

    A forest walk it is - or a sit in the forest because he cant walk far. 

    I am going to say I hope we can search back on this horrific time and it will be a bad memory. Hoping it all resolved ane we see our families safely xx

    take care xxxx

  • You’ve just made me laugh it’s bloody hilarious really isn’t it? I wouldn’t believe this if I saw it in a movie. 
    I want to watch Matrix. It’s out 22nd December. I’ve ordered the trilogy on eBay and I’m going to have a PJ day and watch all three. A day off thinking about the lack of Christmas spirit and those dreadful movies. The plan was to go to the cinema to watch the new one. 
    I’ve just added to my letter to Santa

    4hazmat suits

    4 full face masks 

    four bottles of antibacterial lotion 

    That should see us right. 
    Now let’s see if I can get tickets.

    take care my friend 

    thanks for making me smile 
