Just damn tired!

  • 2 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Feeling useless. Husband had chemo yesterday and hes doing amazing. (Relapsed hodgkins pre stem cell)

Me however am a mess. Knackered. Housework and working full time and all this cancer stuff is a bit crap. Feel like I havent stopped. Let myself go. Hair a mess. Bad back. 

And I sit here thinking Im not even the one whos ill! So grow a pair and get on with it. 

I just feel wasted ….. we thought we had beat the dreaded C and here it is again. And the other C (covid) doesnt help making life claustrophobic. 

Rant over. Everything a bit bloody shitty right now and I wanna scream. 

  • Hi . My love your hubby might be going through the treatments but you're going through just the same amounts of stress so you carry on and vent!

    Covid has changed normal life as we know it and tackling the other C word at the same time is too much for most people. I'm fortunate inasmuch as I'm retired so have all the time in the world to do the housework, (when I feel like it). I do confess since I stopped work instead of business suits and perfect hair my uniform now is dog walking gear and hair like Hagrid. We don't entertain as much and TBH I'm quite happy with not spending hours poring over cookbooks and worrying if it'll turn out. Lost a lot of confidence going out as well.

    Have a look at the Emotional Issues forum, sharing your feelings will help you.

    Take a day out and get yourself pampered, in the meantime sending you hugs, B xx

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  • Thanks so much for this. Such a tough time xxx your kind words mean so much. It really makes a difference when people understand xx