When you rant in this Room, does it then evaporate?

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers

This is really weird.

I ranted in here once, slammed the room door.

Its gone, but I can read others.

Maybe it’s me being useless with tech 

This could cause another rant.…………..

Ignore this. I have found it, there has been an issue today with my access to different groups.

Not sure why but rant over 

  • Don't think it disappears after a certain time but if you said something against the community guidelines then the moderator will wave a magic wand and the post will disappear. I'm pretty certain that community rules still apply so you can't criticise the system.

    Take care and stay safe Artsie


    Love life and family.
  • Hi TV man

    i definitely didn’t put up anything that could offend anyone. 
    I found it and by the time that happened I didn’t have energy  to vent. 
    I had issues most of day with internet so probably that. 
