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  • 15 subscribers

Hello The Room. 

One thing Ive learned that is so bloody hard on the cancer journey is WAITING!

scanxiety. Waiting for results. Waiting for appointments. Waiting for he treatment plan. 

i hear people moan about waiting for a parcel, in a queue, blah blah  Try waiting to see if your partners cancer is back  If treatment is working.  If his heart can stand the chemo What chemo  Stem cell Auto or Allo etc etc! Waiting to see if his stwm cell will be over Christmas and waiting for your boss to be okay with the next complete over turn on ways of working  

sorry  the waiting is doing my head in but it is cruahing my husband  Sat there wanting to get on and make a positive stance against his cancer  yet were sat waiting . Waiting for one last procedure. Then we wait for a start date for ICE

Anyone reading thanks for waitingRoflRoflRoflRofl