Fed up

  • 2 replies
  • 15 subscribers

I know this is not really me but want to let this bit out that's taking growth like everything else

I am so f@#!* fed up of my bloody situation, it's one thing after the bloody other.

I am sick and tired of bloody soldiering on and want to curl up somewhere with just my loved ones not needing to eat, drink, the need for any wordly things.

I want to give up up and close my eyes but am very aware I won't do anything as it goes against my beliefs and also am too cowardly to do anything myself.

I want to covid and cancer to take physical form so I could scrunch it into a ball and kick it into a black hole


Thank you for a place to vent

  • Hi ,

    Think we all have been there at times. Good imagery there, love to scrunch up cancer and covid and send into a black hole too - as an ex-counsellor, more of that sort of visualising, maybe writing, or painting could be a good way to get more anger and fed upness out.

    Hope you feeling a little better today.


  • I'll hold your coat and handbag and the door handle while you scrunch and kick it to next Sunday and back Shebu