I Feel Trapped

  • 4 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hi all,

I hope I have come to the right place.I shall start my tale.

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer 7 years ago and I have a colostomy and an urostomy, plus a fistula which leaks constantly (down below).

We moved to a council owned bungalow in October 2020. The bungalow was bought at auction and is on a private road not a council site.

Since before we moved in the next-door neighbours have stuck their noses into our business. We had the garden done and her next-door was outside asking the gardeners "how much is this costing them?", her or husband also approach any workmen and hassle them information. This couple are in their late 60s and they have 3 grandsons (all under 10) living with them.

When the warmer weather started early June they put up a swimming pool, which is less than 10 feet from my bedroom window. The 3 grandsons and their 11 cousin (who lives down the street) were screaming, shouting, swearing, fighting. The noise was and still is between 100 to 120 decibels!.We couldn't and still can't hear the television or ourself and we have to sit inside with all of the doors and windows shut.

On top of this they have put up a trampoline and the grandsons are out there again screaming, shouting, etc.,.and they look in our garden and bedroom windows. We don't have any privacy or rest from them, it is relentless

Nearly 3 weeks ago things came to a head and the Sticky Beaks verbally abused my dad and myself. Just because we asked to keep the noise down. We were told they are "playing" and we must MOVE. They went to be personal and she told me it was a shame the cancer hadn't got me. She told me I was offence to look at and she told me that I am lazy, useless and good for nothing. She also screamed at me that she had reported me to benefits because I have a car! And if I don't like the trampoline, to Close my blinds! Which have been closed since and I am in semi darkness.

To top it off, they reported us to the council for "antisocial behaviour and swearing at her grandson!". All of it is total lies and the council are making us homeless in October this year. Both my parents are in their mid 80s and my mum has had several heart attacks and is on oxygen for 16 hours a day. The council won't even speak to us.

We are looking for a new home but there isn't anything about.

I feel lost and no one helps. I don't get dressed brush my hair or wash somedays and that is not me. I feel like slashing my wrists. My nerves are shredded.

Last night the 11 year old grandson was by my bedroom window screaming at the top.of voice  "Lisa the ugly bag lady". 

When we move we are going to the police and report them for hate crimes and then social services because they are not bringing up their grandsons properly. We have heard them telling them to scream to annoy us and they Will treat them.

It is worth mentioning the previous owner of this bungalow had to move because they were the same with them, again the same thing - the noise levels.

Anyway, thank you for reading,

  • Hi ,

    Sounds horrendous. It doesnt make any sense that the council wont talk to you about an allegation of anti social behaviour. And on what ground are they evicting you. I suggest you seek advice from Citizens Advice or Shelter, as you need to understand your rights.

    Good luck, you have all been through enough without neighbours making life hell.

  • That sounds horrendous Lisa.  First of all you need to speak to your GP, I'm no medic, but it sounds like you could be suffering from depression and your GP should be able to help and get you some support.  Second thing, don't wait to go to the Police to report this appalling behaviour.  Do it now.  The council cannot just evict you for no reason.  If they have given you written notice, they should have given you the reasons and they cannot refuse to communicate with you about this without extremely good reason, which again they have to tell you what the reason is.  As ownedbystaffies has said, you need to get yourself some advice from Citizens Advice or Shelter.  You are dealing with more than enough with your health without having to deal with this rubbish

  • Can't you get things on video or tape..this should not be happening.hope you can get some where else soon to live Pray

  • Hi , don't know why this has popped up now because I can see that you posted the original over a year ago.

    Sounds horrendous but it would be great if you can update us please

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.