I don’t know how I’ll cope

  • 9 replies
  • 20 subscribers

My mum died of cancer after a 3 year ‘battle’ in 2010. I got it in 2015 aged 38. I’ve had the all clear so that’s good. Now my dad has a shadow on his lung. Could be nothing but my head just goes to cancer. He’s lost weight, has a cough that won’t shift. 

I am terrified. How do we go through this a 4th time (mum had it twice). Ive got a genetic mutation from my mum’s side so I have this bastard disease hanging over my head, lurking in the background like the grim reaper is ready to pounce. Now it might have my dad as well. FFS don’t we deserve a break. I am fed up of feeling controlled by it. Every loose stool, every pain, every scan, every surveillance test is chipping away at my resilience. And now this. I don’t think I’ll be able to cope. Im in floods of tears and anxious as hell already and it’s just a shadow.  

feeling pretty hopeless right now. Im sure I’ll feel better in the morning. Im just in shock right now. Time for bed. Thanks Room for being a space to vent. 

  • FormerMember

    You poor thing am so sorry you are having to go through all this my mum died of throat and lung cancer in my arms so I do understand 

  • I am so sorry for your dad's health problems and I hope that it isn't cancer. Has he done any medical testing meanwhile? His cough could be due to another issue, perhaps a cold, but I totally get your fear and anxiety! I am sending you hugs, warmth and light your way and best wishes for his health. Maybe you could try some counselling if you feel overwhelmed too. I did, and it does help me deal with the situation  (my dad was recently diagnosed with gallbladder cancer, in an advanced stage).

  • Wow Snarfy, that's a tough ride you are on there.  Anxiety, anger, tears and every other emotion out there are all perfectly normal and it is ok to go with them sometimes, we just have try to not let them move in permanently.  I hope you are feeling better and that this isn't what you are fearing for your Dad

  • Oh my goodness. Relate so much. Mum got rushed in for operational the beginning Covid . Major operation.  Icu. Ended up being stage 4. Died November 2021. My precious dog died in July 2022 and now my brother has just had cancer diagnosis. Same cancer as my mum's.  Waited 3 wee for my brother's diagnosis and was living on adrenalin for those 3 weeks. Although he has been diagnosed  I am in shock. I went to the doctor's who gave me a beta blockers as I have got myself in such a state, I couldn't calm down. Just crying and off work. It is crap and so scary.  Overwhelmed doesn't even seem to cover it. So hard to take a day at a time and get up and enjoy life. It is only just over a year that we buried my Mum. I feel like I am living in a surreal world.

    In shock. Going to take a while for it to sink in. It is just one foot infrint of the other. Feel so much for you. Thank goodness I am  not the only one.

  • Hello Emygrey and if you are new here a very warm welcome to you.  I hope you don't mind me replying to your post but I really felt your pain when you were talking about the loss of your mum and your brother's diagnosis. It certainly sounds like you are suffering at the moment.  

    It's important that you find some emotional support for yourself right now with so much to bear.  It might be worth looking at the other forums on here such as- Friends and family and also the cancer one specific to your brother's cancer where you will find others in your position.  There is also a 6 week phone counselling offered by Macmillan too which may be of help.  I see from your profile that you've got no info on there. If possible can you update it so others can see it when answering you , this will save you repeating yourself too much.

    I want to say gently to you that this thread is an old one and you may not get any replies on here and I can see it's important for you to get some support.   Please do join the ones I've mentioned so we can listen and support you here. 


  • Hi  

    I notice that you recommended the bupa counselling service, however I thought you should know that this is only available for people who’ve had a cancer diagnosis themselves, not family.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Silly me Sarah, I completely forgot that. Thanks for the reminder. X

  • Hi Emygrey and sorry to let you know the six week counselling us only for people with cancer however there certainly are other support services out there for you.  X

  • There was some confusion around eligibility for BUPA counselling which popped up in another group recently and which the team clarified so it was fresh in my mind.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm