Hoping the rules of the room haven't changed - Read with Caution

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  • 16 subscribers

Just seen the rules of the room post updated.  It was a long time ago but I am so hoping that they still apply.  Everything seems so clinical and politically correct these days, but I really need to rant.  It's not going to clean and it;s not going to be pretty, so if you are easily offended, please don't read any further.

FFS.  Life's a bitch and then you die.  After 9 years, my husband's bastard cancer has put an unwelcome reappearance in.

He has been telling them there was something wrong for months.  And guess what.  He was right.

If the consultant had got of her arse and actually seen him instead of leaving it all to the speech therapy team, who were doing their absolute best to get her to do something, things might not be so bad for us now.

But no, she didn't see him, didn't talk to him and wasn't prepared to do anything.

Time has come for them all to stop hiding behind and blaming fucking Covid for everything.

They need to start doing their jobs which is seeing and treating patients or fuck off to the dole queue.

If I did my job that badly I would be off down the road with my P45 in my hand and quite rightly too.

And to top it all off, it is pissing it down and I have just remembered the upstairs windows are open. FMFL.

England had better win

  • Sending hugs, altho I understand that won't make things better xx

  • Thanks Joy.  You know knowing someone else cares, even if they don't know me, it does help actually.  And I know nobody on here is going to judge me x

  • Oh my goodness. Brilliant rant but so so sorry. My husbands cancer has come back too. And he knew it. Last year in his notes he thought he was relapsing. Guess what. A year later HE HAS and hes very poorly. Sending you a fellow hug. “FU cancer” thats our saying. Xxxx 

  • Quite right too Scaggette.  And thank you.  I have just read my rant and I really did put it all out there.  But thankfully, whilst a lot of things have changed on this site, The Room doesn't seem to be one of them which is brilliant.  Cancer is not politically correct and clean and neither am I when I'm dealing with it.  So the fairies will come and replace the broken windows, paint of the obscene graffiti I left on the walls, bring new furniture, re-stock the alcohol and generally sort everything out ha ha.  Hope you are ok