Everything is shut!

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers

So I may only have a year or two of life left, and I want to make the most of it and due to this effing COVID everything is shut or not running. I get that shutdown needs to happen but why now when I want to make the most of life? It was bad enough getting incurable cancer but I can't see anything getting back to normal until the middle of next year at least and I might be too sick to enjoy it by then.It is bloody bad timing.

I just wanted to do some bucket list style activities. Go and see shows, concerts, enjoy fine dining, weekend breaks, go visit the holiday home in Spain that I adore but all flights have been stopped for most of this year and the regions are now shut..I know there are some things I can still do, a picnic on a freezing bench in a park but I wanted so much more. My mother is too scared to meet me indoors, it is my 57th birthday next week and I shall spend it indoors eating a takeaway. I just feel that I am wasting the precious time that I have left 

Oh, cruel fate, why do you mock me? 

  • Hi Nicky Nosher,  i think you speak for all of us.To say i am p.... off is an understatement, i can relate to all of the above.The only thing i want more than anything this year is to see my son for a couple of days over Christmas. The rest will have to wait,what can we do its    

  • FormerMember

    With you on this.!,I know I should be thankful for being here but there is so much I wan5 to do

    Trouble is with limited time you do need to plan some things. Let’s hope things gets better sooner than later.