Why is asking for help so hard

  • 3 replies
  • 17 subscribers

I am in midst of chemotherapy side effects and feeling physically and emotionally ghastly. I live alone and have friends and family who want to help but I find it very difficult to ask.  There is no curative treatment and I am on a palliative pathway and I am waiting for feedback on a recent scan.  Last week when I was not experiencing side effects I felt okay but now I am suffering insomnia, diarrhoea, sore and cracked fingertips and feeling this ghastly I know I am at risk of feeling worse.  I want to ask for help but something is stopping me.   I think it is probably the feeling that if the genie is out of the bottle and I let my emotions out that I will not be able to contain them and that I will have made myself more vulnerable and hopeless. 
I need to make a plan to be able to shower, wash my hair and try to have something to eat.  Writing out my thoughts is helpful in so much as it does clarify that I cannot continue like this today and I do need to take action. 

  • You are not the only one who has that difficulty, there can be many reasons. I know I found it difficult to ask for help and some who I feel let me down when I needed it most have perhaps damaged a relationship possibly forever. One set of friends though really came through when times were tough and as they say 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'.

    Perhaps one of the benefits of this forum is the anonymity, if we get things wrong here then there may seem to be no damage going forward.



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  • Hi LinziR

    It is incredibly hard to ask for help and there is a fear of losing control, letting your emotions out and possibly becoming a burden to friends and family. I’m sure lots of people have said they will ‘be there’ for you but it’s hard to know exactly what that means.

    Anyway, I have recently accepted that I can’t do everything for myself and sometimes need help. I discovered that if I say outright what I need, with precise details, to someone I trust they are usually more than happy to help. So many of my friends and family have said they want to help but don’t know how to. I recently had to ask a friend to do some shopping for me and I wrote a list with exactly what I needed, including brand names and sizes, ( I felt really cheeky) and she thanked me for allowing her to be useful.

    I hope this helps.


  • FormerMember

    If you are afraid of letting the emoti9ns out ( I think..while my husband was being treated I felt as if I was sitting on a box lid full of fear and demons, and if I let the emotions out from under the box lid it took several days to calm down and recover...but I did recover, and in grief I still feel like this...I can keep the emotion locked down to an. Extent, but when it bursts out it is painful  ) maybe....write down very factually the things you would like help with. Keep the emotion out of it if you want to do that.  Then ask ? But I hope you can find someone to hear the pain. Are there Macmillan workers at the hospital ? Best best wishes.