• 8 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I have very sad news that that our friend and Community Championn Daloni died peacefully at the Hospice last night.

Please refer to the "Living with Incurable Cancer" Group for details.

I don't normally post here but thought you would like to know.

Please if you are in a different group Daloni was part of, Womb Group, Emotions, etc could you let others know as I'm sorry I can't seem to access recent posts. Even here, I have only seen posts from 3 or 4 years ago!

  • Thank you  for passing this on Daloni was  dear friend and she will most definitely be missed by so many. I will indeed pass this on to the womb group and clubhouse. I send my condolences to you and everyone who knew her as a pure fighter and kind and generous lady. Who despite everything that was going on in her life was always there for everybody. 

    Community Champion badge_GBear Xxxx 

    What is a Community Champion?    Womb cancer forum  

    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.

    “let hope be your lighthouse beckoning you though stormy seas" - Jessica de la Davies

  • I too heard, have passed onto any who knew Daloni in the breast cancer group. Sadly missed, she was amazing. 
    rest peacefully dear Daloni. 


  • Thank you for posting this here.  I read of Daloni's passing in other groups but didn't feel OK about posting in groups to which I don't belong.

    What can I say except what a woman.  Daloni was irreplaceable and her absence will be felt by this community for a long time.  We can best honour her by extending to others all of the things she extended to us.

    Rest easy Daloni.  You will be missed.

  • I also just heard. She gave me the best advise on how to advocate and raise awareness of cancer and it's side effects even like for me when people are cured but living with the consequences. She made me feel confident and brave about tackling taboo subjects outside my usual supportive community in the hopes I'd be able to raise awareness that might help others. That is who she was, inspirational..! She'd telephoned me a couple of times to boost my resolve to speak out so I could also help others and left her well known indelible footprint of positive energy behind. Thinking of her close family and friends right now and thankful for my contact with her and her sage advise. Rest now Daloni. XX


  • Hi GBear and all here! I wonder if you saw my post about the funeral being on Monday 5 October at 1.45pm?

    I thought it would be good if we could all be thinking of Daloni at that particular time and raise a glass or cup to her!

    I did send this to Admin too so that they could inform all the various groups, as the last time I tried to post this in other Groups, the site wouldn't allow it! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi , yes Annette I did spot your post about Daloni’s funeral, I have posted in the womb group and spiritual and religion group, as well as in the clubhouse. I will ask admin if they can make sure that it gets posted on the community widely maybe they will do a blog about it in community news for example. Like you say it gives people the opportunity to raise a glass or two if they wish and I believe it will send a huge wave of positivity to her family. 

    Community Champion badge_GBear Xxxx 

    What is a Community Champion?    Womb cancer forum  

    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.

    “let hope be your lighthouse beckoning you though stormy seas" - Jessica de la Davies

  • Hi Annette 

    Just when we think the site is getting there, all manner of problems begin. My worst one is disappearing posts. I once read one of yours, then another couple, went back to reply to your post and it had disappeared from my notifications! Only about a minute later. I spent the next 15 minutes looking for it and as time went on, I was wondering if I had seen it at all!!!

    Messing with my head.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • So sorry to see this. I'm a primary B.C. Lady but often saw her posts. She was always so kind and helpful in her answers love to you all and friends and family x