‘New site’ ARGH!!!!!!

  • 72 replies
  • 20 subscribers

This ‘new site‘ makes me want to scream!!!!!!!

i can’t find stuff, threads are not listed, they don’t show all comments either, no logic at all!!!!!


  • I have a horrible feeling you’re right. I can’t think that many new joiners will be prepared to put up with the hassle of navigating around the site. A real shame. 


  • Anyone tried p/m’s on a phone? DREADFUL!!!! I can’t see any messages at all!!!!



  • I don't use the site at all on my phone any more.

  • I’d be hampered if I couldn’t use my phone, I only use the laptop a couple of times a week at present; that would mean that I couldn’t help new folk much at all. Perhaps that’s what Admin want? 


  • I thought l'd add my twopennyworth and say how disappointed l am with this so called upgrade.

    I'm writing this using my phone and this is easy compared to sending a private message.

    I've spent an hour or more this morning trying to pm. The message constantly disappears/hides behind headings and should you need to move the cursor you end up going right round the site, back to every page you have previously looked at. All the time thinking noooo!!! will what l've already written still be there when l get back? Fortunately it was this morning.

    On a good day l can cope, on a bad day its the last straw!

    LouEbelle Heart
  • The site seems to break rather often? This evening  - again!!!!



  • I'm pretty much just reading replies in my email notifications now, which means I'm only aware of what's happening in threads where I've posted.

  • It’s crazy! I monitor 3 groups, and haven’t had notifications for years, nobody could ever sort out why. I seldom get stuff (the red number at the top of page)  for the less busy groups, only for the one I post in most frequently, and only for the threads I’ve posted in. There seems no logic at all


  • They seem to have rearranged the front page so that you don't have to scroll past the groups to get to new activity now.

    The new story link only shows for me once in a blue moon, though.

  • Crazy! 
    I’m beginning to wonder what ever gets done in ‘down’ time!
