‘New site’ ARGH!!!!!!

  • 72 replies
  • 20 subscribers

This ‘new site‘ makes me want to scream!!!!!!!

i can’t find stuff, threads are not listed, they don’t show all comments either, no logic at all!!!!!


  • However I have managed to access using my iPad; incredibly slow and cumbersome but at least it's a larger screen! 

    hugs and arghhhhhh! 


  • AT last, I'm on my laptop.....but the site is still not good, they've made type face far too small and the group list can only contain 4. 



  • I think I'm out until it's fixed.  Planned maintenance never fixed the problems on the old site so I'm not confident it will fix ones which are even worse now.

  • It appears to have been fixed now, this is the first time I could get on since the revamp.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hope it has been fixed! Or at least a large number of the problems.....


  • No it hasn’t! I’m fed up to the back teeth with it grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!RageRageRageRageRageRageRage

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!

  • I find some problems are fixed but to be honest, I think Admin have ‘bought’ or adapted some sort of site from somewhere that their IT folk have tried to adapt to their needs and it is clunky, clumsy and really not fit for purpose for us, their users. I miss the multiple discussion list that we got when first logging in, you could easily see anyone who needed help. I am pleased the ‘new to the community’ has an easy access so that they can get advice straight away. But I HATE the small font size and the need to scroll such a lot past what are really titles to reach groups when on a phone. I also find it takes an age to log in first thing in the day. But the re-jig did improve the number of times I got thrown off site, it’s now quite a lot less.

    so I’m still far from impressed by the new site. But nobody will change things, since they’ve obviously decided this is their Gold Star new site!


  • I find I need  to scroll past a lot of clutter no matter what device I'm using.  I really miss the old front page design which showed a decent amount of recent activity on the home page.

    I agree that it seems like they're trying to adapt something off the shelf.

    It's a pity because it's one of the few relatively busy cancer forums.

  • I so agree, the discussions ‘home page’  bit was so useful, you could instantly see who needed help and from what group or cancer type. 
    Now it’s clunky and clumsy. I’ve no idea how to find that part of the site or even if it still exists! 


  • I understood you’d get thrown off the site less often? Not really....
