Bone marrow Biopsy

  • 15 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Has anyone had experience of a bone marrow biopsy, there is sop many rumors about this, I wanted some facts.

 I have to have one this month.

thank you

  • Hi Dawie

    I had a biopsy in February 2015 prior to my diagnosis of MDS in March 2015. I don't know what you've heard Dawie, but I can give you a first hand knowledge of the procedure. 

    My wife accompanied me because of the anaesthetic given meant I was not allowed to drive. I was called into a small room with a couch against a wall. There was a doctor, a nurse and a trainee doctor who wanted to see the operation. I was given the anaesthetic and shortly after the biopsy began. 

    Before this I was told how things would go and I signed the permission. The young trainee doctor was asked by the nurse if she wanted a chair because some people watching for the first time would faint but she politely declined! 

    The events unfolded like this. First, I lay down on the couch facing the wall and my trousers pulled down, exposing my buttocks. The doctor prodded and pressed his fingers around at the top of my hip to find exactly where he wanted to insert the needle. That done, a needle was inserted into my bone, can't say where exactly because of course I was facing the wall. To get the needle through the bone there was a fair amount of pressure, the doctor was pressing through my bone and my knees were against the wall, pushing in the opposite direction to him. 

    After getting to the bone marrow, a different needle was then pushed into the bone marrow and a sample was taken for examination. Unfortunately for me, that led to my diagnosis.

    Now down to the nitty gritty. Pain. I had read horrific stories about it being so very paínful but tbh, I have been in worse pain over my 62 years. I can't deny it was paínful but Dawie, don't be losing any sleep before the event. I hope you'll agree with me when the time comes, I really hope so. Please get back to me after you had it. Anything else you want to know before the biopsy, give me a shout please.


    Love life and family.
  • Hi Dawie,

    I have had 3 bone marrow biopsies. It is certainly not something you would ever choose to do but like TVman says please don’t lose any sleep over it, it is just one of those things that you have to get through in order to understand what is going on in your marrow. I can honestly say for one of them I didn’t feel anything at all, yes one of them was excruciating (but only for a short time) and the third one was just a bit uncomfortable. But they will soon be distant memories and the medical teams are really considerate as they are doing it, you’ll be in the best hands possible.

    All the best


  • I totally agree with Greg but once was enough, I wouldn't encourage greed Slight smile


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to greg777

    I guess it depends on if they give you enough Sedative,to the disscomfort one feels

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thank you so much for the that info.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    I was given a leaflet to read and on so doing found that you have to inform them if taking a list of drugs ,as it so happens I'm taking one of the prescribed drugs on the list so rang the hospital,when i told them that i was taKING ONE OF THE MEDS ON THE LIST THE NURSE said that one is ok to carry ion taking,seems  misinformation to me.

    No one said anything about not driving to Hospital either:(

  • Hi

    Might be worth checking that out, just to be sure.

    When my spinal problem started I was given an appointment at the spinal clinic. Turned out it was a specialist nurse and before examining me she asked if I had shorts with me. Well there was nothing in my letter warning me so she asked if I was wearing underpants! "Ah, I wasn't going to wear them but just as well I did". She was grinning from ear to ear and I spent the next 10 minutes with my legs in the air, pants facing her in various positions lol. One day I won't forget!


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Better make sure I'm wearing a clean pair of underpants then:)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well back from the Biopsy , all went well, A slight discomfort first but after was fine, after hearing some of what i was told I was a little nervous to say the least, one account I was told after was like being kicked by a horse, so I asked when the local wore off could they give me something.I  told them i never take pain killers but just in case, they said I did really well and shouldn't need codamol. they said my pain threshold was  some of the guys come in big burly guys with tats everywhere cry like a and ask for GAS#&AIR as well. sounds like the bullies at School.hahaha.

    Slight soreness in the coxes aria.otherwise fine.

    being send to Bristol.

  • Hi Dawie

    Glad to hear that it wasn't as bad as some say. Don't we just love to hear that the bullies at school would be the ones who are the cry babies Slight smile


    Love life and family.