Schooling - or not

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Well Michael had a meltdown at school when he was doing some of his mock GCSEs partially because he was worried what might happen to Janice and me since he feels we are both vulnerable to covid-19 and now school is closed and exams are cancelled so who knows what might happen to the poor mite now. Hopefully his predicted grades will be able to secure a place on the computing course he wants to do, as is he has not had enough adventures in his life already.

Never mind, tomorrow is another day and at least I can do most of my work from home.


  • Hi Steve,

    I hope that you are coping OK and that Michael is getting used to the new situation.  My wife works in one to one support with students at college and is now doing this from home including 1 to 1 work with students on a video link.  She works with students with different needs and had found that the students are really taking to it and some appear to prefer the distance that the computer gives.  She finds it tiring as she has been busier with some students than she would have been when they were sitting side by side.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Gragon x