Lazy plotters

  • 5 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Why IS it so many authors  choose the lazy way out n kill a character off with cancer?

It's almost as if they've not heard that some of us are living with cancer, rather than dying of it.

I'm an avid reader n so read a vast amount of fiction. I'm also a retired librarian,  Libra so used to see even more but I DO get fed up with this laziness.

Any body else feel the same??


  • Buttercup - givenn me something completely new to think about which is really refreshing. Thank you.

    I had not thought of that. I will be looking out. Although having tried and failed to concentrate on reading things around the 1600' s they seem more likely to die of wounds a plague. I will be trying to move on to something more modern and will consider the death methods in things.

  • Hi , as well as modern general novels, I also read historical (crime)

    Have u tried Susana Gregory's series set in  medieval   Cambridgee feat Matthew somebody?

    You may find some of the modern ones where (yet another) person dies of cancer is too near the knuckle?

    I often wonder about getting MacMillsn to do a feature on all these novels where the characters die of cancer. It would be useful to flag it up with publishers,and authors alike, wouldn't it?

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hi All,

    I must be reading different books because I can't think of any fiction novels where a main character dies of cancer, but I agree, if it is a commonplace plot device then it is a lazy one. I am an avid reader too, and read a lot of books, so somehow I have managed to miss the ones you speak of.

  • Hi , I'm glad you've missed the ones where a prominent character dies of cancer. This has happened to me consistently over  the past few years, ie since I was first diagnosed 15 years ago. I can only think of one title where they had cancer but survived.

    Perhaps it's more of a case of it leaping  out at me because it bugs me so much?

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hi ,

    Hadn't thought of that but you might be right. We become more attuned to those things which affect us - so when you are pregnant you see pregnant women everywhere! There is a word for it, but I can't remember what it is. Well hope your next tranche of books is different!