Endometrial cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hello everyone my wife as had this cancer twice in 12 months it’s very hard to talk about it with her because I’m supporting her with everything I am I don’t want to look as I am failing because I’m not I am strong physically but not mentally I have waves of emotions that hit me from time to time 

  • FormerMember


    just be yourself and hug her x make sure you guys talk x I know it’s difficult for you both , especially with Covid but it will pass and you will be back on track to get this beat and more xxx 


  • Hi ,

    I don't know if you remember me but we chatted on here some months ago.  People often talk about fighting cancer but it is not something I am really comfortable with personally.  The chemicals I take fight the cancer, I just have to endure the side effects.  The real struggle is always the emotional side.  As someone with cancer you feel cheated that you are not going to have the life you expected and there is so much uncertainty.  I have also had several relatives with cancer, both before and after my diagnosis and before I had cancer I struggled to know what to say or how to deal with it and felt guilty.  Since having cancer I have found that it is usually better to ask the person how they want you to behave.  We are all individual and there is no one response suitable for everyone.  I would imagine that your wife knows how you feel but she might actually want the chance to support you as well.

    I did mention previously about calling the MacMillan helpline on 0808 808 00 00 for emotional support and advice.  They are very good and will have talked to people in similar circumstances before.  It can be really good to have an opportunity to offload sometimes and certainly to have the chance to talk to someone who is outside the situation but who does care about what you are going through.

    Wishing you and your wife all the best,
