best wishes

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

I'de like to wish all the members old and new all the best in their treatments and all the new members that have sadly had to join us.  

It's good to talk now where have I heard that before:)

I wish you all the courage to get through your Illness ,& to come through the other side.

  • Thank you for what you have wrote I was only told of this community chat today 

    kind regards Nolan 

    Help coping with this is very hard but I'm strong enough for a fight with it 
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nolan7

    Hi Nolan, I am sorry to hear about your wife and think you will get support from the carers group  here. It is really important that you get support and take care of yourself as well. If you have a Maggies or other cancer centre near you I would recommend you pop in to them, as you will get all sorts of help from people who understand. For example have you checked out if you are entitled to a carers allowance or anything like that ?and you may be able to get counselling for yourself or join a group where people understand how you. Macmillan can help you with a lot of things you may not have thought of yet and they have a helpline you can contact if you are feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. Please accept my apologies if you already know all this, but it sounded like you were new to a lot of this and I have been given a lot of help from people here and hope you get the same. (and your wife if she wants to) I wish you all the best for the future.Short friend x