multi billion $£€ industry ... yes folks, that's us

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the call for applications for grants from the UK government

On the bright side they are investing in treatments

but on the downside, as we are painfully aware, more people are living off cancer than living with it, or even dying from it when you take into account the percentage of us that die of other things whilst we're waiting to die of cancer. Did someone say 'sepsis'?

It is a multi billion £££s industry.

I had to attempt to explain to my daughter that some of the articles she'd been reading about cancer treatments being available but out of reach were mainly centered in the US where there is a fundamental difference in how healthcare is provided

Then I went to a NICE meeting and realised that our NHS has to provide every aspect of healthcare to everyone in the UK and cancer has to stand in line with everyone else, including those who were simply unhappy with how they look.

The line has to be drawn somewhere.

Perhaps we should rejoice that we're keeping people in work.

To be fair, as I invariably attempt to be, it is genomics specifically they're talking about and I suspect the media team weren't anticipating an 'ex' (fingers crossed) cancer patient being on the mailing list. 

ho hum

