Annoying others

  • 7 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Do you ever wonder if having cancer and the meds makes your faults even more pronounced- in that u drive ppl nuts every so often? Or am I just using this as an excuse?!

  • Hi buttercup

    I think there's some truth in that, increases their stress levels maybe. Could explain why my wife seems to go crazy sometimes.


    Love life and family.
  • Lol re your wife going crazy sometimes. Sorry, shouldn't laugh...

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • I wonder if some traits come out in an exaggerated form. My partner in end of life has always loved shopping and gadgets,  now on powerful  steroids and not being able to leave the house has spend a small fortune on online food shopping that I cant find space for in the tiny kitchen.

    When did we need four kilogrammes of panko breadcrumbs and 2 kilos of  southern fried chicken seasoning powder , 8 tins of sweetcorn  etc?. 

    But what is really good is that he sourced and bought an electric wheelchair so that he can get out.  The chair is a godsend - any advice about  recipes welcome. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to NellieJ

    Dear Nellie j, having taken high strength steroids at various time during treatment I can testify to the effect it had in my mental if not physical energy levels. Let’s just say that every cupboard in my house has been thoroughly tidied and every opinion on any subject  I have has been fully expressed to my my long suffering but patient husband ! Fortunately the dose has now be reduced and normal service has resumed. Good news about the wheelchair, I have both a wheelchair and a walker which gives me freedom to get out and about.

    best wishes


  • I'm on only 0.5 mg/ day of Dexamethasone, which I take with breakfast. "Normal service " means I am tired from waking up to going to bed lol.

    Still, at least I'm not manically buying things, which I was when I was on  2mg/ day.

    Hope it eases off NellieJ, good to hear about the electric wheelchair  tho. Sorry to say can't think of any suitable recipes for your surplus ingredients  haha xx

    PS chicken in breadcrumbs with sweetcorn??

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Buttercup, I was curious what prompted your first post on this - what were you doing ?  Hope you are giving yourself some slack - you support others so much, hope you can take some for yourself. 

  • Hi , can't honestly remember now! 

    I so often wind up a certain person, probably by repeating actions/comments over n over again. Trouble is, I don't recall I've said them before. This is why I wonder if the cancer/ meds I'm on cause this lack of recall.

    It causes a lot of friction (and guilt) when it does happen....

    Thanks for asking. I'm not v good at being my own best friend.

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.