Support from unexpected sources!

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Since my diagnosis I had unswerving support from an unexpected source, my old neighbour!  Over the last few years she bouyed me up and I looked after her well-being, meals and treats, taking her to doctor and hospital appointments, courtesy of my husband's driving.  Today was her funeral, but I didn't attend cos I didn't want to intrude on the family.  Miss her so much, cos she managed to keep me going through dark days, and we spent more time laughing than crying.

Unfortunately she has gone now to a hopefully happier place.  Should mention that she was two weeks short of celebrating her 97th birthday!  Friendship is important, regardless of age - some people just have the ability to just spur you on to rise above the next hurdle and aim for the future.  I will forever be thankful for her encouragement and support.  Miss her.

  • Hi Happylady

    You should call yourself Superlady, cos in my eyes that's what you are girl. It doesn't hurt to be friendly, and there's one old lady has gone to her grave a happy lady, her last years have been illuminated by you. In turn she helped you get through the dark, uncertain days that we go through after diagnosis.  She's shining down on you from above now. 

    Be proud Happy(Super)lady.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thank you for your supportive message.  Going to bed a bit teary but feeling better that I shared my feelings and you responded so positively.  Thank you, it meant a lot.  Best wishes for your future.  Hope is everything!  Mxx.