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Just wanna rant as I got these today.

Having to go back on meds (Pazopanib) after break of 3.5  years coz nodule near windpipe n lesion on omentum have grown. 

I know I'm lucky they were spotted due to regular monitoring n also there are meds I can have n I'm not ungrateful just feel so down right now 

Be OK in a few days' time ..

  • Clicking like on this does not see quite right, but wanted to send some support and hope that the news can settle with you somehow.  Really sorry that it was not an all clear, and holding hope and courage for you.   

  • Aww, thanks so much NellieJ, especially with all you've got going on.

    Am feeling more positive about it all now..Took my first lot of meds last night n forgot I'd to take them  an  hour before or 2 hours after food, so had to stay up to take them. I also take a preventative anti- emetic which apparently can make you a bit dozy ( no change there then!)

    Once I get back in the routine, I'll be OK I guess tho the prospect of bright white straight hair n barely functioning taste buds doesn't exactly appeal. At least I can have a break at Xmas...

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.