Helping others addictive?

  • 9 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Hi all, I used to work on a busy enquiry desk n find I want to give ppl info on this site.

All well n good, except that I sometimes go overboard n often answer posts in the middle of the night. I now have to ration myself to "load more" only 3 or 4 times each time I log in. After all, I don't dwell on my own cancer, so why do it with other people's?!

It can actually get me down if I'm not careful, especially at times when I'm vulnerable anyway, eg waiting for scan results ( like now)

So beware the subtle, sneaking feeling of " just one more" lol.... 

  • Hi Sue,

    You do so much and give so much to this community, I know it will be massively appreciated by lots of people going through some really tough times at the moment.

    But it’s important to look out for yourself as well - and you are definitely in the best place to support when you are in an ok place yourself, so if that means rationing yourself, then that’s definitely the thing to do.

    Here’s hoping the scan results are what you are wanting.


  • FormerMember


    When I retired a couple of years back I found I had more free time and like you found myself spending more time here than was actually healthy.

    It is great to help where you can but you have to 'know' the signs of when you need to take your foot off the gas and make time to recharge your emotional batteries.

    It is all to easy to find yourself  'all compassioned out'

    Having said that you are doing a great job and should be very proud of the support and advice you so freely hand out to stangers in their time of need.

    Hugs, G n' J

  • FormerMember

    Hi Buttercup

    Firstly I love the profile picture. That is a lovely Jersey Cow so you have chosen the best breed in my biased eyes.

    It definitely is addictive, for me it takes my mind off my own health. When I was a community champion I was told I think by the highlander and Bodach to spend time away from the forum too and it was very good advice. You can throw yourself in to it and burn yourself out.

    I then tried to stick to my own groups and a couple of others that took my fancy, whilst doing new to the community here and there, along with occasional unanswered threads or any topic that came up in maybe the first load more that had a title which made me want to read it and that helped. Now I just do what I can when and if I feel up to it which is much easier for me.

    You are an amazing support to everyone here and I have spoken highly of you too and how kind you have been to me. So it's lovely to be so generous to others, but also be generous to yourself too.

    Best wishes with your results, I will keep looking for when you post how you got along.

    Take care

  • Lol re Jersey cow!

    Thanks for timely advice Gina n your kind words 

    U take care too x

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Thanks to Greg n Dreamthief too. Read the messages backwards of course - typical!!

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hi , you do a great job supporting others and you have received some great advice from folks who have been around for a period of time on the Community so understand what 'being a help' to others is all about - but also about how being a help to yourself is more important.

    After my first few months I had to set a few basic rules as visiting the Community had become incresingly consuming.

    I concentrate manly on the groups that I have first hand experience in..... my cancer and treatment areas.

    I never stray into groups I have no first hand, meaningful experience in....... there are plenty others that can help out.

    I never visit the Community before 7.00am and never visit the Community after 9.30pm.

    If the grandchildren are in the house I don't visit the Community.

    I never have my phone near me when having food or talking with folks.

    Before every post......I take a few breaths and think about what am I bringing to the conversation and if my yes is still greater then my no - I will put a reply.

    Schedule in 'me time' - time to do things you enjoy that has nothing to do with the site.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thanks very much Mike. Your " rules" seem eminently sensible, especially your last point

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Buttercup - thinking of you for scan results - and hope you going ok 

  • Thanks, only a week or so to go now. They'll most likely b OK, but u know the old scanxiety...

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.