How many people affected by cancer?

  • 3 replies
  • 14 subscribers

I I know the stats say 1 in 3   ppl wlll b affected by cancer, I know this is a self- selected site, I  know folk are living longer, be it with cancer or  generally, I know ppl are much more  upfront about having and living with cancer than they used to be (thank goodness!).

So why am I still taken aback by the numbers of ppl on this site??

  • Hi Buttercup/FloralWoman(!),

    I think the internet is such a many-sided beast - it is absolutely wonderful that you can connect with people you would have never connected with 20 years ago, but it always demonstrates to me just how large the world is and ergo, just how small my place in it is.

    I think what you see on this site is the metaphorical drop in the ocean, I have been saying to Macmillan for quite a while that investment in this site is so important because sites like this are only going to be more in demand in the future. I hate to use the generational divide but the online world is so much more engrained in the younger generations that as they get older, and sadly, but inevitably, many of them get cancer, I can see the demand for sites like this exploding. Put on top of that the fact that budgets for talking therapies are not likely to significantly increase going forward, then again, I think we’ll see sites like this see a significant increase in demand. Indeed, I often see people commenting that they leave this site for other platforms (eg, Facebook) because they can’t get enough interaction - which tells me there are a lot more people out there who are cancer-sufferers who are active online but who don’t use this site. 

    Then you have the people who, a bit like I used to be, are stoic, think they can deal with things themselves, are private people, wouldn’t dream of going online to share their problems, etc, so sadly there are a huge vat of people who probably won’t ever go near this site.

    That’s not meant to sound depressing. My big hope for the future is that the big mystique/dread around cancer can be pulverised, such that it becomes just another illness, hopefully completely curable, but if not, then very manageable, and just another ailment to add to the list as we naturally age. Who knows, maybe one day there will be the science to reverse ageing such that we never have to get ill again? A once preposterous dream that with all the advancements I am seeing now does not seem that far fetched. I’m not sure what I would think about that reality, but my gut tells me the science is getting so good now that it may well one day happen, and effectively either everyone, or no one, will get cancer, if you see what I mean.

    Sorry, I have gone off on one - this is the probably the right place to do it though - hope you don’t mind?


  • Of course I don't mind Greg.

    I'm always encouraged to read your responses to my posts About 10 years ago the consultant at  my local hospice said cancer is now like any other chronic disease, ie people are living with it, not dying from it ( on the whole)

    In the 14 years since I was first diagnosed there have been so many developments in the treatment of my kind of cancer alone. I only recently joined this site- I've been quite content to beaver away on my own , with support, for all that time. It's only really since my last occurrence that I've joined n tbh I find it more satisfying to help others ( like I did in my job) than I need support myself on here. Tho I'm still aware of that sword of Damocles lol. Just wait till my next scans are due!

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember

    hello buttercup, I'm not sure if it's better detection of cancer or if it's down to modern living, there seems to be more of it than ever, the last stat's Isaw was in the region of 500+cases new ayr in the UK alone.