Any one else want something ?

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  • 14 subscribers

Popping in for a shout - 

If anyone else would like any caring supporting, propping up, help with anything then please give me a nudge. I may have 5 minutes. This week I have taken my mother with early dementia for a MRI scan "mother its to find your brain", up again to sort out  her money muddle, empty coat pockets in the kitchen of dog poo bags (full), cook and deliver meals for her freezer "you have 10 packets of lurpack and mouldy cheese in here". 

Meantime, my brother with Schizophrenia has been sleeping rough in London for 3 months and getting increasingly unwell,  but by talking on the phone up to 10 times a day and  nudging mental health services he has accepted a voluntary admission to a psychiatric unit. Safe for the next couple of days at least but I will need to make a visit. 

Then partner with terminal cancer, we have had a parade of very gentle professionals from hospice at home and community delivering electric bath chair, bed mattress, doing a RESPECT form about treatment options and death planning. All things that point to decline and death. Keeping house going, working and trying to keep afloat.

So I'm off to put the muddy dog on the bath chair (will save my back);  ring the psychiatric hospital and see if they have a spare room for me in case;  and be cheery to the next professional delivering the "end of life, just in case mystery medicine box" today.  So if anyone needs their car cleaning, a cake making, handkerchiefs ironing, boiler fixing - just let me know. 

However, I am extremely grateful that there are services to help, support, and be alongside.  I am aware that in many places and countries there is not the support in cancer, dementia and mental health that I/we have. 

  • A HUGE virtual hug to you NellieJ. I'm not shouting, just don't how to underline/ bold on here lol 

    How u keep it all together - and your sense of humour  - is beyond me.

    Btw this is the old flOralW0man, changed my user name to go with my bright yellow fleece. Also, I can b a cow at times - chewing the cud, full of hot air, you name it...

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Thank you for the hug and the image of a bright yellow fleece - really made me smile, and liking your new name. Have just nipped out to launderette to collect drying (which I forgot I took there 3 hours ago) and the woman there had folded it all up for me. I could have cried with joy and appreciation.   Still time to learn how to install double glazing and make gingerbread if I run out of things to do. Am going to spend half an hour under the duvet this afternoon to regroup. 

  • Loved the image of the muddy dog on the bath chair.  There's a saying: If you want something done, ask a busy person.

  • In which case NellieJ can do it all -  with one hand tied behind her back lol.

    Seriously,hope u enjoyed your time under the duvet x

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Didn't get under the duvet - but the (still) muddy dog was lying upside on the new padded mattress topper that they delivered today for my partners side of the bed. Ha Ha good for  the dog.  But am going to aim to go out for an hour to meet a friend. Think the day is nearly over for me.