P**ssed Off

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Yep that's me that's how I feel tonight,

Sorry all you good councillors out there.

Rant 1

I am sure there are plenty.  Session last night what a waste of time sorry, I can think of better things to be getting on with than spending an hour in a room 4 foot by 5 ( I am old school), No windows and enough room for two chairs with a stranger just looking at me.  No sireee don't think this is for me.

Rant 2

Won yes won no strings attached a fantastic holiday and am now trying to firstly work out dates to see when it will fit around tablets and bone infusions, hoping I will even be able to go.  Honestly is all inclusive to somewhere marvellous our choice (partner and I)  Can even turn left once I get up those plane steps.  Hope the ONC/BCN tells us go ahead and book.

Rant 3

So many bruises over arms from weekly blood tests and then anxiously waiting to see if bloods hold and anxiously waiting for results of CT scan is 4 weeks acceptable !!!!!!

Rant 4

I am selfish because a very dear family member has also been diagnosed with BC.  Curable.  I want to be her NOT swap with her but be her.

Rant 5

Just ranting - don't know if this post counts in this room.

  • Yes, I'd say your post definitely counts in the room n is   a blooming  good rant. Better out than in I  reckon.

    Worth trying to find another counsellor? That experience sounds rubbish.

    A wait of 4 weeks for CT scan result is NOT acceptable. They can turn mine round in 10 to 14 days.

    Enjoy the holiday, assume you're going n plan accordingly. Lots of travel insurance posts on the site.

    You're not selfish n if u are, why not b for a change?!

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to buttercup01

    Isn't that what they say about a good Fart, better out than in.:)