I'm back

  • 3 replies
  • 13 subscribers

My wonderful father-in-law is recieving palliative care for the same poxy cancer that took my dad & one of my best friends,I'm beyond tired & to say I'm gutted to be back here is an understatement CryCry

  • Hi ,

    So sorry to see you back here again.  I very much know what you mean.  I have lost so many family members to cancer and now my mum's sister,with virtually identical symptoms, has been diagnosed with the same cancer that killed my mum.  I know from my own cancer that research is making a massive difference to treatment but it does not seem to keep up with the number of people developing cancer.

    Wishing you and your family all the best,

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Thank you, it's heartbreaking isn't it,my life just seems to have revolved around cancer is so many different ways for the last 11 years,I keep saying I can't do this anymore but from somewhere I find the strength to do as do we all,life is the pits isn't it at time

    Love & hugs to you too


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Thank you, it's heartbreaking isn't it,my life just seems to have revolved around cancer is so many different ways for the last 11 years,I keep saying I can't do this anymore but from somewhere I find the strength to do as do we all,life is the pits isn't it at time

    Love & hugs to you too
