Not been here for a while.....

  • 6 replies
  • 15 subscribers

As the heading said it's been a while! Is that because I've stopped moaning ...... ahhhh NO! (Just ask the Fruit Loops)! Is it because everything is going great? Hmmmmm not really! Is it because I have got better at sharing my true feelings......well I suppose I have, sort of! 

So Sal Why are you here today? What's bugging you? Why can't you just share with the Fruit Loops?!

Well the honest answer is sometimes you just need to say things that you don't want put in the middle of an active thread! Do I want people to read this.....well yes! If they want to. Why?...because I want others to know that it's okay to not be okay with everything that's been done to you! It's okay to feel angry, let down, envious, annoyed, frustrated, scared, isolated, happy...okay happy might be pushing it!!

Today I stood and chatted to a Lady who volunteers for our local Cancer Centre, she was working on the mobile Macmillan bus! We chatted for some time about life, hot flushes, insomnia etc etc. It was a pleasant conversation although difficult to have while stood in the middle of the high street. As I walked away I realised all I had done was pass the time of day with her! When what I wanted to do was shout from the top of my voice


So why didn't I? That's easy I know that if I said that she wouldn't of known what to say...or....she would of said the usual....but you are still here, lifes not all bad, things could be worse, try and think of nice things, have you got a holiday booked? Etc etc!  

Well you know what I could have a holiday booked tomorrow BUT would that bring me the one thing I want more than anything else?! A baby of my own! A tiny little person that was created by me. A little one with ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes and 2 beautiful blue eyes! A baby that would snuggle up next to me and love me like nobody else can!

But 6years ago the chance of that baby went further out of reach when I heard those 2 words....IT'S CANCER! At the time I thought I would just get through the treatment and hopefully still have a small chance of having a baby afterwards. If I didn't it wouldn't matter as I got lots of hugs and kisses in my job! 

End of 2015 I am told I have secondary Cancer and start Zoladex injections to shut down my ovaries. My other option was surgery to remove my ovaries!!!! 

So that's easy I'll have injections, because I need to keep my ovaries, WHY? Because if they suddenly came up with a cure I could maybe just maybe have that baby I so truly want!

Well it's now 2019 and theres been no miracle cure and Zoladex has left me with horrendous side effects (most people have none or few)! So maybe just maybe it's time to think about the surgery option?!

So that will be it. No baby! One quick surgery which will change my life forever! Or will it? Has this always been the case, was I just not willing to accept it? 

But what's life without something to dream for? How do you grieve for something that might never of been? It's all very complicated and sad. The worse thing being you are never far away from a tiny baby or toddler which just makes things harder! 

I think it's time to make the decision for surgery BUT I'm not sure I can do it! When I sign on that dotted line I would feel like I am giving up on my dream! No longer could I close my eyes and look to the future and see myself holding my baby...... but what would be there?? That's what really scares me!! The nothingness the not knowing the not being in control and the thought that without this dream I won't want to go on!!! 


I don't need advice or anyone telling me I could be worse off or some people would gladly swap places! These are my thoughts and feelings! I just needed a safe place to air them without fear of being judged! Xxx 

  • Hi LondonLass

    You're not going to be judged here, I do hope you understand that, and this is a safe place to say what you want and say how you feel. Oh you are needing a big hug! I can't say anything that can make you feel better apart from I hope you believe me when I say I can feel your hurt, certainly not as much as you do. Cancer is a horrible disease, there are others. Life is a bitch for some more than others. What can we do? Sweet F.A. 

    Maybe turn things around. You may get solace in helping others who can benefit in some way from your efforts to remove their misery. Just a suggestion. 

    Does it help to share your experience with us? I hope so, I hope you know how much I and others who read this are so so sympathetic with you. I know that's not going to take your hurt away, but I really understand how you must be feeling. For me, my wife's miscarriage still hurts many many years later. When that happened, there were no organisations around to speak to, no one to offload feelings to. Believe me, that was a devastating event in my life, I can remember sobbing in the hospital car park because my wife was in pain, both physically and mentally. As I said, life IS a bitch, LondonLass. 

    Take care

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks I’m sorry to hear of your loss! As for your question does it help to share? I’m not sure? But at least by putting the words down somewhere it gets them out of my head! Does that make sense? Xx

  • Hi LondonLass, I get the it’s okay to feel angry, let down, envious, annoyed, frustrated, scared bit and that this is the room where you can rant and close the door behind you which perhaps means never going back and rereading what you’ve said and not reading any replies. I get the not not needing any advice, or being told you could be worse off, and just wanting a safe place to get the words out of your head. 

    Oh for goodness sake why am I doing a reply then, it’s because your words touched me, well in a way it was tvmans words as well, talking about miscarriage. It set my mind wandering as I was advised to terminate my first so wanted pregnancy as I was told it was not growing properly and had no lungs and that their opinion was that I would not carry it to full term and that if I did it would be still born. The quicker I reached a decision to terminate the quicker I could move on to trying again versus my husband’s family being catholic and not wanting to be judged. My head fast forwarded to my own cancer diagnosis in 2015 incurable and not unlikely to be only 12 months and the grieving that everyone goes through I think for your own life and hopes. I would miss my 2 daughters ever getting married and I’d miss seeing grandchildren, and in reality 4 years on I am not sure they will ever get married or have kids as that’s there future to control or wish for, but at that time that’s what part of my my tears and anger were for. Just to express that helped to get to the point of saying that’s enough, I’ve gone from ignoring all emotions to feeling really emotional and now I have to go into planning and coping mode. (I’m ok by the way incurable for me has meant immunotherapy drugs which worked really really well and currently being no measurable disease although still on treatment) 

    My mind wandered to my mum passing away 3 months before my cancer diagnosis and how months before that, she had to go into a nursing home and I’d had to empty her bungalow making sure that nothing important amongst all the 90 years of sentimental cards and paperwork that she’d kept were not thrown away. Why ? because I knew somewhere very well hidden would be my mums birth certificate and adoption certificate, and that I might need them for her death certificate, and my curiosity. 

    My mind wandered to how I found out as a teenager a few weeks after my grandmother died from cancer, the person I felt I loved the most was not by birth related to me, but in my eyes that made her an even more remarkable and loving woman as I felt she had chosen to love me and the whole of our family, she had chosen to love and care for my mum. From the love and care she gave I felt that we truly belonged together, and I suspect she felt the same.

    You seem to have been wishing for a child of your own for a long time and suffering side effects for a long time. Sometimes all emotions have to be thrown out there before you can decide what to do next, which emotions you need to pick up and care for first, and which emotions to bin or at least put to the back of the shelf. Perhaps I should just press print on only these few words rather than for you to hear my rambling thoughts.

    I hope your rant has done its job and it has given you the strength to make your next decision which sounds like you either have to give up on your dream (or try and preserve some part of them) or regroup to endure more pain. I hope you can make new dreams for yourself and that you seek help (Samaritans maybe on 116 123) if you truly feel that you won’t want to go on without fulfilling that dream. 

    Sending a virtual hug cos my goodness after starting the awake thread over two years ago you of all people deserve at the very least a hug.

    Take care KT

  • I am sorry to hear of your loss, that must of been awful. I hope my post didn't upset you by bringing back some sad memories! Although i am sure something like that is never far from your thoughts! Xxxx

  • Hi , I am so sorry to gatecrash in on your post and open up so much. I hope that you feel better for off loading and that it has cleared your mind a little for your awkward and heart felt decision. I was concerned when I read your post that you are going through a lot right now, but did not want to break your boundaries.

    I hoped my own experiences would show that like tvman there are people who understand and feel for you, from my own experience however I can’t help my mind from wandering off to my Nan for her there were other ways of experiencing the joy of a baby other than giving birth herself. I am forever thankful that she made that choice. 

    I hope you soon feel comfortable with what ever conclusions you reach.

    Take care KT

  • I appreciated you sharing your story. It was very touching. I’m just feeling a bit fed up with everything right now. I know none of us are guaranteed to have children. It’s just really tough trying to come to terms with the fact that I will never have them. But I just need to find away to accept it and find a new ‘dream’ a new ‘future’? Although thanks to bloody cancer even that’s not easy! Xxxxx